Tuesday, August 26, 2008

It's 826 Day!

Ok, I know this blog is supposed to be about Fabulous Pants and all that I do in that area of my life, but sometimes there are other things that bleed into other areas of my life. One of these things is my volunteer time at 826 Valencia. It is a writing and tutoring program in the city of San Francisco that has successfully branched out into other major cities such as LA, Chicago, and New York. It is meant to help tutor students that need to bridge the achievement gap as well as working with students who are talented in writing and journalism. And since the date it 8-26, today they celebrate over at 826 Valencia! I am going to head into the city today to help set up the celebration and meet with the new students and parents for this year. The Mission High book project has been announced as well, and while I am totally taken with the idea of it, I am afraid I cannot be a core member. It would take too much of my already scattered time. So if you want to know more about 826 Valencia, check out their website and donate or buy some student writings! I am sure you will be amazed at their raw talent!

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