Wednesday, February 4, 2009

Short but Sweet

Short post on things today. First off I am more sore than I have ever been since playing soccer competitively. Between my work out yesterday and then yesterday's killer hip day at Ariellah's studio, I am pooped and sore. I am hoping that one of the treadmills is working in the workout room today, so I can try to walk some of the soreness off. I am also planning on doing some yoga stretching to also work on that. Also on the plate for the day today is a special order of pants for one of my friends and long time clients. I am hoping to get those fully prepped, cut, and sewn up today. If I manage to get all that done today, I am going to take myself out to the fabric store to get some things for another commissioned project. Well off to get things done. I feel like it will be a productive day, and I really want to follow through today.

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