Thursday, June 23, 2011


Ok so some of you are starting to scratch your heads. Some of you are giving me the stink eye or the brush off. I know, I know... I promised to stay up to date with the blog more often, and I truly wanted to do this. This time circumstances beyond my control kept me from writing. My computer suffered a total meltdown. I picked up a nasty virus somewhere, and it did some major damage to the computer. It required a total reformat of my hard drive and reinstall of everything. It also could not have happened at a worse time for my IT department. The husband had recently switched jobs and was working on a new start-up that needed to get code up and running in a timely fashion. Not being one to stand in the way of things like this, I patiently, well not always patiently, waited for the hubby's schedule to free up enough to get things running. While I had skeleton service for a while, specific things like my photo editing software and the Klick-N-Kut were not on and reconfigured for me until very recently. A lot has happened between late April and now late June. The new pictures are from.... Easter..... I know it seems kinda funny to post them, but they were so pretty that I felt the need to post them all the same even if they are out of season.

This year was the first year we had our new lamb cake mold. More on that in a later posting. It was neat to have one of these cakes during the holiday again, and now that we have the molds, it is even more interesting to know how they work. No you do not glue anything together with frosting, and yes that lamb was baked as one piece. It was a white cake interior with boiled seven minute frosting and coconut for the fur. When Easter comes around again, I will post up the recipe for those of you with molds and no guidance. I also thought this would be in a way timely to remind people that are hitting the tag sale/ garage sale/ yard sale circuit to keep your eyes open for things like this. It is hard to think about things like lamb cake molds for a spring holiday when Independence Day is right around the corner, but there are good deals to be had now on things like this. Storing them away after a steal of a price is much more satisfying than paying more around the actual holiday due to not realizing possibilities earlier.

Well now that the "situation" is explained, there is a lot that I have on my mind to talk about. I mean, I had a few months to accumulate pictures and thoughts. Needless to say there will be more postings up on canning, including a new feature on reporting my thoughts on last year's results in order to modify and inform my canning plans for this year. I hope you find those reviews helpful. I am also taking up embroidery in some other forms and hope to have some new projects to show off as well as the quilt that I have finally started cutting out. The time for talk on these projects is over; I am ready for action! Speaking of which, the library has just contacted me about a book I wanted to read and review for the blog, so I suppose I should put myself into action and walk over to pick it up. I am happy to be back and hope to win you all over to reading here again. Look for updates here as well as on my Twitter stream. Enjoy today, and I cannot wait to write something up for tomorrow!

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