Thursday, November 19, 2009

Turtles Ready For Duty

I thought I would drop in a quick posting with some pictures of the new turtles. A few months ago, I posted about making toys for Jozef's birthday. One of the toys I made was a turtle that came out of his shell. This apparently has become his favorite thing, as in cannot be apart from it for even a few minutes. Of course, this means that the original one has been basically loved to death. He has been a constant buddy and even made a trip to Poland with Jozef to visit family for a few weeks. After all of this activity, he has gotten, well, loved to death. A call was made for some "stunt turtles" as I like to call them. They will now stand in and do all the original turtle's stunts, so that the first one can get a much needed retirement. I hope they pass muster and are undetected when we do the first switch. Time will tell if all the training I did with them will work and they can slip into duty.

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