Wednesday, August 26, 2009

Canning Party

This week is the official Canning Across America canning party week. While my family has been canning for as long as I can remember, it seems like it is becoming something interesting to others again, and I could not be happier. This week is filled with canning events and parties as well as classes. We are even having a session in Jack London Square in Oakland this weekend. Today,though I am having a private canning party with Annie again. We are tackling tomatoes as well as a yellow cherry tomato and ginger jelly. I am moving into new territory with the jelly part, seeing as the only jelly we ever made in my family was grape and the occasional wild black berry jelly. Here is my strawberry from this weekend. I love the deep color this batch seemed to take on. I also made it with out pectin, and I am enjoying the sloshiness I see in the jar versus the commercial pectin ones.

I also listed some more destash yesterday. They are jumprings, and while it is hard to make certain supplies look artful, I think I did an okay job.

Well I gotta run to catch my train. More canning pics tomorrow.

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